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NEW: The POP Kids' Bike Basket for the woom ORIGINAL 2 & 3 – discover it now!

Have an unforgettable 2024 with our month-by-month bike ride suggestions!

Adventures create strong bonds between parents and children.

January: Explore a winter wonderland

An extra helping of fresh air can work wonders on children during the colder winter months. With the days being so much shorter at this time of year, we all end up stuck in heated indoor spaces more than usual.

Nature just has so much to offer in winter...

If you're lucky, the world around you will be transformed into a winter wonderland, with crisp white snow glistening in the sunlight. Even if the weather is more on the mild and misty side, winter is a mystical time with a quiet calm about it and leafless trees casting strange shapes on grey and gloomy days.

Just remember that your outdoor winter adventures aren't always restricted to walks and skiing. Cycling is still an option in most places.

It's a great way to stay fit and healthy while enjoying the natural world around you all year long. Snow permitting, of course!


Make sure you and your child wrap up warm. It's so much harder to have fun when you're cold and wet.

Keep those hands warm as a priority because you need to be able to work the brakes safely. Our WARM TENS Bike Gloves are designed to fit children's hands and keep them nice and toasty.

February: Learn a trick together

How can parents build strong bonds with their children? It all comes down to those special shared moments that combine fun and games with an element of challenge. Learning tricks together is the perfect example.

Bike tricks are an achievement children can be proud of, which can in turn give them confidence in their own abilities and put a huge smile on their face. And mastering a trick is even more fun with mum or dad by their side.

Which little tricks could you try out with your child?

The mini wheelie is quick to pick up, with the idea to lift the front wheel at just the right moment to get over ledges, kerbs, roots and so on.

Change to a lower gear, make sure the crank is horizontal and put your foot on the pedal. Lean your upper body forwards and bend your arms Push down on the pedal as you lean backwards. And there you have it!

Well, in theory at least... But we all know that children learn by watching and copying. It's best not to overcomplicate things for your child by trying to explain in too much depth. They're more likely to succeed if they can simply follow what you're doing.

For the more experienced cyclists out there...

You might find drifting in the snow a lot of fun. Find out how to make this trick work on gravel by checking out number 10 in this blog post.

March: Spot spring flowers in the woods or at the park

As winter fades away, flowers start springing up everywhere. The colours and smells are a treat for cyclists of all ages. So seize the season and make the most of the first warmer day by setting off on a delightful bike ride with your child.

Try to forget about speed and distance on your first adventure of the spring.

Instead, point out all the beautiful blooms and blossoms to your child. Have a chat and stop every once in a while to enjoy all the colours up close and listen to the welcome sound of birdsong that fills the air.


If you're cycling with a younger child on a woom ORIGINAL 1 balance bike, it might be a smart move to take a BUTLER Bike Bag with you. That way, you can easily carry the balance bike on your shoulder if your child is keen to stop and enjoy the joys of nature up close along your route.

How about playing some fun spring games as you admire the nature around you?

Who can spot the most blue flowers? What about red ones? And who will be first to find a beautiful two-tone crocus? These little challenges will help your child to become more observant and appreciate all their senses. And, let's be honest, they bring the fun factor.

April: Make cleaning and maintenance a game

Keeping your child's woom bike clean and in good working order doesn't have to be a chore you dread. Why not turn it into a fun family activity that has the added bonus of helping your child to understand how their bike works?

We would recommend making it a fun and exciting challenge.

How about a bike cleaning competition? Stand your own bike next to your child's woom bike. Run through all the steps in detail so that your child knows exactly what to do.

On your marks, get set, go! The winner is the one with the shiniest bike at the end!


If you need a reminder on how to clean and look after a woom bike, check out this blog post or watch this six-minute video.

You can find more maintenance tips and safety information in the instructions for use for your child's woom bike.

May: Stop for your first ice cream of the year

The ultimate New Year's resolution for 2024? Make a promise to yourself now that you will enjoy your first ice cream of the year on a bike ride. What could be better than combining a tasty treat with a fun physical activity for the whole family?

You'll all be working on your health and fitness, while creating a special moment together that will mean more and last longer. Every push of the pedals will make you feel even more excited about the delicious scoops of ice cream waiting for you.


Avoid any disappointment after you've polished off your refreshing treat by locking your bikes up securely. Your child's woom bike (and your own bike too, of course) will be safe and sound if you rely on a LOKKI Bike Lock.

June: Race around your very own obstacle course

Your child can work on all sorts of skills on their bike including their agility, balance and fitness. And they'll have even more fun along the way if they're with you or their friends.

When June comes around, you could find a safe spot and set up a child-friendly obstacle course there.

You could even get your child involved with creating the course because it takes all kinds of creativity to get the obstacles just right. And so many children out there love showing off their creative streak. As the grown up, you're still going to be responsible for all the safety aspects.

Does your child enjoy racing?

Get your stopwatch at the ready and time your child. Then it's over to you to tackle the obstacle course. Your child will be in charge of the stopwatch at this point. You can get other children involved too, of course. What a great idea for an activity at a children's birthday party!


Safety comes first and that means kitting your child out with the proper protective equipment. The helmet goes without saying, but we'd also recommend NEEBOWS Elbow Pads, NEEBOWS Knee Pads and TENS Bike Gloves.

July: Take a trip to a lake

Where better to while away a warm day in July than by a cool lake? And if you swap the car for your bike, you'll be taking better care of yourself and the planet. Not to mention turning the whole thing into a much more exciting adventure.

By choosing to cycle, you're making the journey part of your fun day out too. Make the most of every minute you can spend with your child and build in even more quality time together as a family.

Packed your swimming things, sun cream and snacks? You're good to go!

Fill up your child's GLUG Stainless Steel Bottle so that they have it with them on their woom bike. It's so important for children to stay hydrated when they're out and about on a hot summer's day.

When the temperature is high and you're cycling at speed, the wind can act as a natural climate control system. Unlike the air conditioning in your car, it's a carbon-neutral alternative with much less bacteria build-up to worry about.

August: Set off on a family day out

A bike ride that lasts all day is a special experience for the whole family. What a way to make lasting memories! You'll be recalling the stories at family gatherings for years to come. By the time August arrives, it'll be time to explore a cycle path near you.

Choose a route that won't prove too challenging for the youngest member of your family. You want it to be fun for everyone, after all.

The options are endless...

You could cycle along a river, head for an idyllic little village surrounded by fields and meadows, explore a forest in the shade or head for an attraction in a big town or city.

Your family may even enjoy the experience so much that you all decide to fit a few more bike rides into August. 😀

September: Bike to school or nursery

The new term starts in autumn, which means lots of parents will be getting back to the school and nursery run. All too often this involves jumping in the car.

Driving to school should be a back-up plan rather than the go-to option. Just think – schools are much safer places without cars queuing up outside them.

The school run becomes a daily workout when you travel on bikes and balance bikes instead, which can only be good news for your family's health. Plus, you can teach your child about cycling on the road and spend more quality time together too.

The woom NOW is one reliable way to boost your child's safety. It's designed for cycling on the road, which makes it perfect for the school run.

If your child rides a woom ORIGINAL, check the requirements where you are to make sure they're all set with the accessories they need before cycling on the road. Depending on where you're based, a bell like the Vienna Bell will be essential or highly recommended at the very least.

October: Visit a pump track

Pump tracks are designed especially for mountain bikes. What makes them so cool is that cyclists are supposed to travel around the track by pumping (moving their body up and down) rather than pedalling.

Children are often fascinated by pump tracks as places where they can practice their bike skills while having all kinds of fun. And they're not restricted to pedal bikes. Young children don't have to miss out – they can tear around the track on their balance bikes surrounded by other kids just like them.

Pump tracks have been becoming more and more popular since the early 2000s. Have a look for the one nearest you.


When you're cycling on tarmac, you need high pressure in your tyres to stop them wobbling all over the place. Take an AIRFLO Bike Pump with you if you think you might like to quickly boost the tyre pressure on your child's woom bike before you let them loose on the track.

November: Crunch through leaves and splash through puddles

If the weather's on your side, November is the perfect time for a late Autumn adventure. We all know how much children love all the leaves, mud and puddles at this time of year.

Child-friendly mountain bikes – like our woom OFF with a rigid fork and our woom OFF AIR with a suspension fork – really come into their own at times like this. Both are available with 20-, 24- or 26-inch wheels. If your child has a woom ORIGINAL, our SNAP Click-On Mudguards will stop them getting completely covered in mud.

You might fancy a bike ride in the mountains. In that case, we recommend choosing a suitable route that your child will be able to cope with. You don't want their safety to be compromised or for their tendons, muscles and bones to be put under too much pressure.

You can read more about mountain biking with kids right here.

December: Take a tour of your neighbours' Christmas lights

Christmas is a magical time of year – even more so for children. They just love all things festive, don't they? So why not hop onto your bikes and set off for a spin around your neighbourhood? That'll be enough to put a smile on your child's face (and your own) in the run-up to Christmas.

Fairy lights will be twinkling everywhere you look. Christmas decorations will be hanging in windows, on trees and all through the streets. All ready for you and your child to admire together as you end the year with a magical bike ride.

You'll probably want to wait for it to get dark before you set off on this adventure. That means you need to make sure that other road users can see you and your child.

Our CYCLOPE Bike Lights are designed to fit your child's woom bike. And you can find extra tips for cycling in winter right here.

We hope you have lots of fun on your family bike ride adventures!

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