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Inspire Magic Moments This Holiday Season


As the most magical time of the year is drawing near, your little ones are getting excited about all the memories your family will create together. Admiring holiday lights, decorating, baking treats, giving (and receiving!) gifts . . . all these little moments make the holidays so special.

Here at woom, we think the magic shouldn’t end once the presents have been opened. In fact, that’s only the beginning. The months that follow are where the real magic can happen with woom bikes, and we love seeing all the #woommagicmoments from our woom families on Instagram. Enjoy some of our favorites from this past year of kiddos learning to ride their pedal bikes as we all gear up for many more to come.

“Going faster!”

When Richie and Audrey’s son, River, got his first pedal bike, it was seven months before he was ready to move up from the comfort of his balance bike. He loved taking it out on all of their outdoor adventures, even riding the trails. Pedals were a significant change that he wasn’t quite ready to tackle yet. But look at him now! Once he knew he was ready, he caught on fast and instantly pedaled into a newfound freedom. We can’t tell whose smile is bigger: dad or the new little pedal Rider!

Today, River enjoys exploring the world on his woom 2 right alongside his parents. On the family’s recent trip to Glacier National Park, River biked Sun Road independently for a long time before hopping on dad’s bigger bike for a little break. “I’m pretending I’m riding my motorcycle,” he told his parents as he flew down the pavement on his very own bike.

“She knew she was ready!”

When it comes to riding a pedal bike independently, kids just seem to know when they’re ready. It makes the Magic Moments so much more exciting as a parent because you never quite know when it’s going to happen!

Clementine asked her parents to put the pedals on her woom bike back in February and struggled to get the hang of forward motion. “She’s got the balance and braking down,” said Mom after watching her daughter struggle with the pedals and eventually go back to riding without. But little Clemmy proved her wrong. 

August arrived, something clicked, and now she’s biking independently right alongside her big sister, whose woom NOW is perfect for carrying home all her treasures from Saturday morning yard sale rides.

“I’m feeling it!”

At first, three-year-old Emi was a bit wary of her pedal bike and debated returning to her balance bike. But despite the nerves and the rather bumpy trail that wasn’t ideal for learning, Emi persisted until it was finally time to go home. 

The next day, Emi and her mom, Katy, got back out there to give it another go — this time in a smoother location — and Emi did it! She was so excited she skipped dinner and bathtime to ride as long as mom would let her (and Katy wasn’t about to put an end to such a magical day).

“Witnessing my daughter experience this profound sense of accomplishment and joy was one of the most moving moments of my motherhood,” shared Katy in an Instagram post about this Magic Moment. “It wasn’t just Emi learning to pedal; it was what learning to pedal did for her soul, forever shaping her belief in herself and forever reminding me of the importance of giving our children opportunities to thrive — to struggle but persevere with us by their side.”

One of our favorite things to see is woom bikes being handed down from sibling to sibling. Emi’s woom wasn’t a holiday present. It was her brother’s first bike, and in fact,  it was loaned to another family before it was time for Emi to learn to ride. Emi’s bike came to her well-loved, but you wouldn’t know it because it still looks as good as new!

Give Your Child the Gift of Their First Ride

As you start your holiday shopping, imagine how each gift will inspire your children to learn and grow in the coming year. Will it be a toy they play with one time that ends up in the donation pile by spring? Or will it be a catalyst for making memories and taking on new challenges and adventures for years to come?

At woom, we’re here to empower children and families to discover the Magic Moments in everyday life as kids fall in love with riding bikes, and that includes the wonder of exploring the world around them and the freedom that comes with the right tools to make these adventures possible. And we can’t wait to watch all of your Magic Moments in the new year — so start gifting!

Want to give your child the gift of their first bike ride this holiday season?