Honoring Navy SEALs with the C4 Foundation

We love celebrating and supporting families of all kinds at woom to bring the joy of biking and give back to our communities. That’s the heart behind our #woomgives initiatives. It’s about aligning everything we do with truly noble causes like providing enrichment to those who could really use it, often in the form of Magic Moments for families!
Our #woomgives initiatives have been wide-ranging, from new bikes for kiddos whose homes were damaged by Colorado wildfires to foster families in the Austin area. Our newest partnership serves Navy SEAL families through the C4 Foundation, whose mission is to help SEAL families reconnect, build fortitude, and heal. Let’s explore how this #woomgives initiative got rolling, and why we’re grateful to give back to those who serve.
The Story of Charles Keating IV
The C4 Foundation story begins with its founder, Charles Keating III (C3). Charles established the organization in honor of his son, Chief Special Warfare Officer Charles “Chuck” Keating IV (C4), who lost his life while serving in Iraq in 2016. Chuck had an infectious joy and energy at all times, known by all for his signature huge grin.
When he was home, he made a point of being fully present and not letting his role as a Navy SEAL define him. When he was deployed, his squadron was his family and he cared for them just as deeply.
Family was one of Chuck’s deepest values, and he saw a crucial need for SEALs and their families to be better supported when re-integrating after deployment. With Navy SEAL families spending so much time apart, Chuck knew that their time together really needed to count. Although he didn’t have children of his own, Chuck loved his family passionately and really cared for the families of all his fellow SEALs. The C4 Foundation was created in his name to fulfill his goal of helping Navy SEAL families.
A Calming Space for Reunited Navy SEAL Families
All families need space to build memories and unite, and SEAL families in particular need that important time to bond together. One way the C4 Foundation is helping Navy SEAL families is through the C4 Ranch: a protected, natural sanctuary where these families can “restore family bonds and mend invisible wounds.” Families at the ranch also experience the F.R.O.G. Program (Families building Resilience through Optimism and Gratitude) to guide them through decompression and healing post-deployment.
Programs are available for single SEALS and couples as well, but the Family Retreat Program gives SEAL families a private cabin for a weekend where they can get away and enjoy hiking, horseback riding, fishing, and now, biking!
When woom heard about the C4 Foundation’s mission and the incredible story behind it, we knew we wanted to do something to help. We’ve seen time and time again how riding bikes can bond families together and offer grounding, peaceful, unifying experiences for all kinds of families, even when used for something as simple as a commute to school or for a ride around town. The magic of a child’s first balance bike or pedaling unassisted for the first time creates memories that children and their parents will never forget!
To get this partnership into gear, woom was grateful to donate 100 bikes to C4 Ranch. Of the bikes, 30 will remain onsite for the children of Navy SEALs to enjoy, and 70 will be gifted directly to families. Donating bikes to the C4 Ranch is our way of creating more Magic Moments for deserving families across the country.
“We really appreciate this partnership with woom, and the timing is perfect as we’re in the process of building the trails here for families to ride their bikes, hike, and jog. The bikes are such an important part of what we do here,” says Charles about the C4 Ranch. “Every day we’re blessed, and Chuck would love it out here.”
Thank You, Military Families
Whether you have a loved one in the military or are serving yourself (Navy SEAL or otherwise), thank you for your service! Thank you for sacrificing your time and your safety to serve and protect your families and ours.