Enjoy the Ahhhhhs! and the Wheeeeees! and the Wooooooooohs! (and the water breaks...very important) and the wonder, of course. Enjoy the ramps and the jumps and the new tricks and the bumps.
Enjoy the bruises, the Band-Aids, peacing out and peace of mind. Enjoy the wiggles and the won’ts and the can’ts and the Yassssssssss! Enjoy the wind and the rain and the mud and the memories. Enjoy the other side of that hill and the technical side of that mountain and getting a little too close to that ledge and “Look at that pink sky!”
Enjoy what’s around the corner and beyond the bend and up the block, and yup, again! Enjoy no service and a better connection and going, and going, and, ugh … we’re so lost. Enjoy the balance. And belonging. And forever following, just close enough. Enjoy passing it on, handing it down, slowing it down.
Enjoy all of it. Enjoy it now. Enjoy the time.