A Tale of Two Bikes
by Charlie LaNoue

Ever snag a deal on a budget item, hoping it’s just as good as the premium alternative, only to completely regret it later down the road? Don’t worry; we’ve all been there. While skimping on a sippy cup is one thing, choosing the right bike for your child is an entirely different matter.
Perhaps one day, a historian looking back at the topsy-turvy bike industry of the 2020s will reflect, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times… for buying a bike”. Dickens references aside, the range in quality of kids’ bikes has probably never been wider. While modern technology can facilitate incredible innovation and design – it can also enable the mass production of clunky, subpar bikes that appear indistinguishable from quality bikes to the untrained eye. The issue is even more pervasive with children’s bikes, since kids often aren’t able to fully articulate their discomfort.
And let’s not pretend the stakes aren’t high – they are. First impressions are everything, especially with kids. A high-quality bike can be the difference between your kid occasionally biking around the block instead of falling in love with cycling.
Let's dive into the tales of two bikes – one a great investment and a shining example of childhood joy, the other a cautionary tale of false savings and lost opportunities:
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Meet Noel, an avid cyclist, outdoor enthusiast, registered nurse, and caring parent of three. | Meet Leon, a loving parent, budget-conscious shopper, and an incredibly busy front-line worker. |
Bike Shopping Mindset
| Bike Shopping Mindset
Purchase Experience Noel first visited her local REI for sizing advice and so her youngest son Aidan could test out a woom 2 and a woom 3. She ended up purchasing a bike online so that Aidan got the bike in his favorite color (sky blue), and went with a woom 3. As a healthcare worker, she was also eligible for an ID.me discount. Total cost with shipping and tax, minus ID.me 10% subtotal discount: $470.04. | Purchase Experience After picking up some eggs, milk, produce, and burgers, Leon found his way to the sports section of the box store and found the display of kids’ bikes. After browsing the options he purchased his 4-year-old a 14” bike with training wheels, since she hasn’t learned how to pedal yet. It came pre-assembled by the grocery store employees, who weren’t properly trained on bike assembly. Total cost with tax: $103.87 |
Post-Purchase Feelings Although it wasn’t cheap, Noel felt confident she’d made a great purchase from a great brand. She was relieved to be able to break up the purchase into three payments with 0% interest thanks to Affirm. She also felt great knowing there was excellent customer service, free returns if need be, and positive reviews online. | Post-Purchase Feelings On the drive home, Leon was feeling happy to have saved some money by finding the least costly model in the entire store, and optimistic that his daughter Nadia would enjoy her new set of wheels. In hindsight, this “honeymoon period” was the high point for the bike. It was all downhill (or uphill?) from here. |
Assembly/Set-Up Noel received Aidan’s bike via UPS just a few days after placing her order. She found it easy to assemble the bike with the provided instruction manual and tools. A quick online search also led her to assembly videos, which, as a visual learner, she preferred. She held off on doing the last step – adding the pedals. | Assembly/Set-Up Although the bike Leon purchased for Nadia was pre-assembled, there were a few minor issues. The reflector was facing backward, and a few bolts appeared loose. Although Leon corrected these minor issues, it made him wonder what else might be amiss on Nadia’s new bike. He left on the pre-installed training wheels since he assumed this was necessary. |
Prior Experiences Because Aidan had already used a balance bike before, he had some experience braking and balancing already. Still, pedaling was new to him, so leaving the pedals uninstalled initially (Good thinking, Noel!) allowed him to get his bearings on the new bike before adding in this new skill. | Prior Experiences At the point of receiving her new bike, Nadia hadn’t had any experience riding a bicycle before, nor had she had any time practicing to balance on a scooter or anything similar. Both Nadia and her dad Leon were unaware of balance bikes. |
First Impressions His mother Noel appreciated the innovative Steering Limiter, which connects the fork to the frame of the bike and prevents accidental overturning. Aidan loved the color “sky blue” and how easy it was to pick up and get on the saddle. | First Impressions Although she was held upright with the training wheels, she felt a sense of unease leaning to one side or the other, like she might tip over. Furthermore, weighing in at just under 20 lbs, the bike represented half of Nadia’s weight. She found it cumbersome and difficult to balance. |
First Ride Aidan loved how easy it was to lift the bike, and found it easy to balance. He also liked grabbing the grips, which perfectly fit the contour of his small hands. In no time flat, he was coasting down the driveway with ease. | First Ride The saddle wasn’t comfy to sit on, and the bike made a few rattling noises when Nadia pedaled. When she dismounted, the heavy bike was difficult to manage, and it fell to the ground, making it tough to pick it back up. |
Child’s Mindset Aidan was hooked! The lightweight frame gave him confidence, and the child-specific components gave him nothing discomforting to complain about – allowing him to focus on enjoying the ride. He loved his new bike and Noel watched him intuitively learn to ride the using the balance-first method. | Child’s Mindset After her inaugural ride, Nadia wasn’t really sure how she felt about biking. It was a mixture of fear, frustration, and a bit of nervous excitement. She believed her dad when he told her how fun riding a bike could be, but she felt a bit intimidated by the prospect of riding such a heavy bike. |
Replacement Parts/Maintenance Service A year later, Noel noticed the rubber O-ring on the Steering Limiter had broken on Aidan’s woom 3. After contacting the woom Customer Experience (CX) team, they informed her this rubber piece is intentionally designed with a breakaway feature. However, the CX team was happy to send a free replacement if Noel wished. | Replacement Parts/Maintenance Service Several months later, after a few half-hearted attempts at riding, Nadia notices something wrong with her bike and shows her dad. Sure enough, a bolt has gone missing which held the rear axle in place. Leon eventually brought the bike to a hardware store, and he struggled to find a suitable axle bolt replacement. |
Resale / Next Rider After Aidan had become tall enough for his next bike, and with no younger kids in the family to pass the bike down to, Noel decided to sell Aidan’s beloved used woom 3. After creating an online listing, she was able to sell it rather easily on eBay for $350. She couldn’t believe it; she had recouped almost 75% of her initial cost! | Resale Attempt After several more months of seeing the bike collect dust in the garage, Leon asks Nadia about it. Does she want to keep it? He already knew the answer, but he wanted to be polite. He put it beside the road with a “FREE” sign. Five days later, no one has picked up the bike, and sadly, the trash collector hauls it away to a landfill. |
Aidan’s Outlook on Cycling Aidan has fallen in love with biking, and moreover with being outdoors! Beyond the fresh air, fun and exercise, he has experienced a big confidence boost that has had positive implications in his school work, social life, and more. | Nadia’s Outlook on Cycling Although Nadia may come around to cycling later in life, at this tender stage of her adolescence, she doesn’t regard riding bikes as a preferred hobby. When other kids talk about biking, she feels like an outsider and fears it’s just not for her. |
Investing in Joy: The Lasting Impact of a Quality Bike
In the world of bikes, the value proposition extends beyond the price tag. Many options abound, and choosing the right one for your child can make or break the experience; ultimately, this may determine their love for cycling. Investing in a woom bike isn't just about the ride; it's about crafting a happy childhood filled with outdoor adventures and healthy activities. And loving every minute of it.
When considering the longevity of the bike and its incredible resale value, the true net cost of owning a woom bike is remarkably low. However, the real value of a woom bike emerges over time, as the child becomes a lifelong cyclist and embraces an active lifestyle. A bike is an investment, and the potential returns are huge. A woom bike isn’t just a product; it’s a gateway to a happy childhood and a lifelong love for cycling. When you choose woom, you're investing in joy, health, and memories that last a lifetime.