7 Things You Didn’t Know About woom KIDS’ Helmets

What would an astronaut look like without their helmet? The same can be said for a race car driver, a firefighter, or even a pro football player. They’d look out of place or even off-duty, as if they’re missing the key piece of protective gear that makes them most heroic. The same, we’d argue, can be said for cyclists.
We’ve come a long way in the last 50 years with helmets. From what was essentially four strips of leather with some basic foam stitched inside – a bit like having bananas on your head – helmet design has finally caught up with the technology of bikes! Here are seven things you probably didn’t know about woom KIDS’ Helmets.
You’re probably ready for us to put a lid on it (ha-ha), but we wanted to slip in some good news on our hero-worthy KIDS’ Helmet! It’s already won several awards, including the Design & Innovation Award (basically the Oscars of the bike industry!), and we’ve even won an animation award for our depiction of astronauts, firefighters, soccer players, and horse riders. Remember, not all heroes wear capes, but most do wear helmets.