woom CEO Fattinger: "Families on bikes need more space."
School competitions, Car-Free Day and Kidical Mass photo contests: woom is supporting the European Mobility Week (16–22 September, 2023) with various initiatives to create awareness and improve life by bike for families and kids.

Klosterneuburg, Austria. The European Mobility Week is the biggest Europe-wide campaign to raise awareness for sustainable urban mobility through a multitude of events staged by towns and cities, local authorities, businesses, and NGOs. woom, the Austrian manufacturer of bikes for kids and teens, is also taking an active role this year by organizing a number of activations for the cause.
"Children and families on bikes need adequate space on the streets so that they can ride safely and enjoy the experience," says woom CEO Paul Fattinger. Having a bike that’s designed with safety first is, in his words, just one part of the equation to create a safe experience on a bike, whether riding to school or just for fun. Fattinger adds: "Bike-friendly laws, separate, dedicated bike paths and designated School Streets are equally important. This Mobility Week is the ideal opportunity to highlight the importance of such fundamental infrastructure."
500 European towns and cities get on their bikes & the Europe-wide woom contest
The concept of Kidical Mass involves mass bike rides with children and families on public roads as a way of opening policymakers' eyes to the need for child-friendly cycling infrastructure. This September, more than 500 towns and cities will host a Kidical Mass event. In collaboration with the independent lobby group Zukunft Fahrrad, woom is supporting the entire Kidical Mass network and will provide the premium incentive of awarding 10 woom bikes amongst everyone that participates in one of the events and uploads a photo of their ride to Instagram. (Link to the woom Kidical Mass photo contest on Instagram.)
Bike-friendly schools: A competition held with Tobias Krell
Having a safe route to school is a central part of a child’s experience on a bike, which is why woom launched the woom2school program to provide support for projects that are commited to shaping more sustainable, active and environmentally friendly school cycling routes. To the same end, woom is the main backer of the Austrian-wide Radelt zur Schule (Cycle to School) campaign as well as the sponsor of the Child-Friendly Transport System category at the Verkehrsclub Österreich (Austrian Traffic Association) Mobility Awards, which champions family-friendly mobility concepts. A further highlight in 2023 involves the brand’s collaboration with the children’s-magazine Geolino and well-known German kids’ TV presenter Tobias Kroll, better known as the popular children’s television character Checker Tobi, which saw an open call for proposals from school pupils to shape a safer and more bike-friendly school environment through the Kommt-in-die-Gänge (Get Into Gear) competition.
"Good ideas and mobility projects can really benefit children and families, who are then more inclined to perceive cycling or walking as enjoyable and practical," continues CEO Fattinger.
"If these enthusiastic young cyclists eventually grow up into adults that love to use their bikes, then we’re on the right path towards a green shift in mobility."
What is woom doing in Mobility Week?
woom will partake in three exciting events during the 2023 Mobility Week, beginning with the Möbilitätsfest ("Mobility Festival") in the German city of Kiel on September 17, before the Mountain Bike Testival in Brixen/Bressanone, Northern Italy, where woom will set up its test track for kids aged 18 months to 12 years old between September 21–24, building up to the final stop of the "OKIDOKE auf Tour" festival at Vienna’s SCS Multiplex venue, where woom will host a kids’ bike course. Alongside getting active and having fun, children will have the opportunity to demo a woom bike, get acquainted with the brand, and develop their skills on the woom test tracks.
Car-Free Day
Now a young tradition for the Austrian brand, woom employees will take advantage of European Mobility Week to stage another woom car free day, which includes a staff breakfast and prizes for whoever rides the furthest or carries out the most beautiful commute by bike.
Link to the woom Kidical Mass photo contest on Instagram: https://woom.com/en_INT/terms-and-conditions-kidical-mass-woom-contest
Kidical Mass Germany: https://kinderaufsrad.org/
Kidical Mass Austria: kidicalmass.at
Kidical Mass UK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/520881838264526/
woom: Photos
Download-Link, copyright woom GmbH
Please note: These images may only be used in conjunction with media coverage about woom. Thank you!
About woom
- Founded in 2013 by Christian Bezdeka and Marcus Ihlenfeld in a garage in Vienna.
- woom has revolutionized children's bikes and set new standards.
- woom bikes are superlight and ergonomic, have won multiple awards, and are equipped with numerous features to enhance safety.
- Today, woom is a global brand with a presence in more than 30 countries around the globe, above all in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the USA.
- 2020: woom welcomes a group of investors on board, with Marcus Ihlenfeld and Christian Bezdeka retaining a two-thirds majority.
- 2021: woom establishes exclusive Europe-based production for the European market and the 500,000th woom bike rolls off the production line.
- 2022: Advancing internationalisation: woom expands the dealer network and D2C segment and welcomes the Jebsen Group on board as a new investor.
- 2023: 10 Years of Magic Moments: woom celebrates its tenth anniversary.
Inquiries & contact:
Belinda Ableitinger, PR Manager
[email protected]