woom weekly
Issue #1

Welcome to Our First Weekly Newsletter!
Starting today, we’ll be sending our subscribers a weekly Sunday update, recapping the latest news, giving exclusive offers, and dropping a few tips and factoids along the way. Enjoy!

Screen-Free Week
May 6-12, 2024
Tomorrow marks the start of Screen-Free Week! Like all technology, screens in and of themselves are not inherently bad when used in moderation. That said, did you know that kids aged 8-18 spend an average of almost 8 hours per day looking at screens? Doing the math, that’s 114 days per year. If that sounds like your kiddo, fear not - getting out on a woom bike adventure is just the thing to switch it up! Check out our blog below for screen-free ideas to get your kiddo outside, moving, curious, and engaged.
April’s Picks for Screen-Free Week
Managing Director of woom bikes USA and mother of 3, April Obersteller shares some of her family’s favorite ways to have fun without involving any gadgets.
Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board
We invested in one last year and have used it non-stop. We decided to add one more to the family so our older girls could go on adventures together.Pickle Ball Paddle Set
Our family has caught the pickleball bug—even if it was just a tad delayed. While the paddles were essential, of course, they also had to be aesthetically pleasing for the teens.
Calvin and Hobbes
My little guy is all about books these days, and these are his favorites. They are bite-sized enough for a 6-year-old, and even after all these years, they are still so funny!
Tunnel Tent
We have officially outgrown our 6-person tent – not because of size, but because of bedtimes. Our kids’ favorite thing to do when we camp is stay up super late with the flashlight, listen to music and just being silly together. The only problem is the adults can't hang past 10 pm. This tent allows you to all stay in the same space but have separate areas!