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woom Magic Moments


It’s Magic Moments that make the holiday season truly merry and bright. The spark of joy in a child’s eyes. The all-in family play that suspends the passing of time in pure happiness.

Magic Moments turn into forever memories and favorite stories. They are the unforgettable landmarks that become part of your family DNA. The hours when the seemingly ordinary becomes extraordinary and every second is overflowing with excitement.

Magic Moments also have the power to press pause on the endless list of to-do’s because life moves fast. They turn time wasted into time well spent and change “it’s taking too much time” into “the time of a lifetime.” And these all happen on a woom bike.

There is no Magic Moment quite like the first ride on a bike. The power at your feet, the endless possibility of your destination, the thrill of learning something new. The first cycle on a new bike, sometimes still dressed in Christmas jammies.

And they don’t stop there. The pride of seeing a little one get back up after a fall. The fist pump of excitement after mastering a new skill. The messy, get-back-up-after-you-fall moments. The character-building experiences that change the way kids see themselves. When you see your kid capable of doing something incredible.

When you give the gift of a woom bike, you’re giving the gift of these Magic Moments and so many more.

These Magic Moments are inked with love into and throughout your child’s story. They snowball over time into the heartstrings that tie your family together. One day, you’ll look back on these memories and smile. That first ride was followed by countless rides side-by-side. The first grin turns into loads of laughter and thrilling adventures. And every year, the holiday season takes you back to that first Magic Moment where it all began.

To see more Magic Moments, plus share your own, check out #woommagicmoments on Instagram.

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