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Terms and conditions of upCYCLING membership

Valid from 14 April 2023

woom GmbH, FN 39

Inkustraße 1–7, Halle 14, Top 5 

3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria
Telephone: +43 800 404 332

Email: [email protected]

1. Scope of application 

1.1. As part of the upCYCLING programme, members pay a participation fee to enter into a temporary credit programme offered by woom GmbH through the woom online shop. The following terms and conditions form the basis of membership to the upCYCLING programme.

1.2. To join the upCYCLING programme, customers must be over 18 years old and legally registered to reside in a European country.

1.3. When purchasing and activating their upCYCLING membership on the woom website, the customer expressly agrees to the terms laid out in these membership conditions. 

1.4. Any terms and conditions that differ from, conflict with or supplement these Terms and Conditions will not be included in the contract, even if we are aware of them, unless woom has expressly agreed in writing that they shall be considered valid. 

2. Terms of membership

2.1 upCYCLING membership costs a one-off fee of EUR 30. 

2.2 Membership activation is associated with the purchase of a woom bike through the official woom online shop. Purchases made at woom dealers are not valid for participation. upCYCLING membership can be activated on all woom bike models, excluding the woom UP. Membership must be activated at check-out or within 30 days from the date of the bike purchase, using the same email address used while purchasing the bike. The membership will commence as soon as the new member receives email confirmation from woom. The receipt is considered proof of membership. It is therefore important to retain this and produce it when required during the course of membership. 

3. Conditions for trade-in credit

3.1 When buying a new woom bike within three years of purchasing the original woom bike and associated upCYCLING membership, the customer will receive credit totalling 30% of the original purchase price upon presentation of the original receipt. Credit will be given in the form of a one-time voucher code to be redeemed in the woom online shop. The credit can only be redeemed in the same online shop in which the original woom bike was purchased. The voucher code is valid for 12 months from the date of issue, can be redeemed against all woom bike models available on the website, and may also be transferred to a third party.

3.2 Each upCYCLING membership is bound to the woom bike that was originally purchased and cannot be transferred to another bike. This means that the woom bike, for which the upCYCLING membership was activated, has to be physically traded in to woom in exchange for credit. The bike may not be older than three years (from the date of purchase) and must be in a clean, roadworthy condition. woom reserves the right to request photos or videos prior to the trade-in. The upCYCLING member is responsible for carefully and correctly packing the woom bike prior to trade-in. woom may decline to provide credit if the bike is in a non-roadworthy condition or notably dirty.

3.4 When you are ready to trade in your old woom bike, buy a new woom bike and redeem credit, please contact our customer service team at [email protected]. You will be supplied with a return shipping label. Please pack the bike and send it to woom as specified. The shipping costs will be covered by woom, but you will have to provide the packaging. As soon as woom receives your package and checks the condition of the bike, your voucher code will be generated.

3.5 If three years have passed since activating the upCYCLING membership and a member has neither claimed nor made use of the trade-in conditions, the member loses the right to redeem credit. Membership refunds will not be made.

4. Alternations to the programme, duration, cancellations

4.1 upCYCLING membership expires 36 months after the date of purchase of the woom bike. Those wishing to suspend their upCYCLING membership may do so in writing at any point. Refunds of the membership activation fee will not be provided.

4.2 woom reserves the right to alter or extend the upCYCLING programme from time to time, including the right to discontinue or replace the programme in another format. The terms and conditions in force at any given time will be available on our website. 

5. Final provisions 

5.1 It has been agreed that the local competent court for 3400 Klosterneuburg has exclusive jurisdiction with respect to all disputes arising in connection with this contract, including any prior impacts and consequences arising from the contract. This only applies if the Customer is a business customer or if a consumer is not domiciled or habitually resident in Austria nor employed in Austria when legal proceedings begin. In the case of consumers, if another court of jurisdiction applies by law, this will be upheld.

5.2 Substantive Austrian law shall apply and will exclude the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and regulations governing conflicts of laws. In the case of consumers, this choice of law will only apply if mandatory provisions in the law of the country in which they are habitually resident will not be overridden.

5.3 If natural persons are only referred to in this contract using the masculine form, this shall be deemed to refer equally to women, men and people of unspecified gender. If reference is made to specific natural persons, the correct masculine or feminine form must be used. 

5.4 We will only use the personal data of members to process and provide the services requested as part of an individual's membership. For more detailed information on how we process your data, please refer to our privacy policy:

5.5 Our general terms and conditions – which can be found here – also apply, especially with regards to an individual's right to cancellation or voluntary extended right to return

5.6 Membership of the upCYCLING programme represents an important contribution towards the reduction of carbon emissions and helping to tackle the climate crisis. Your old woom bike will be thoroughly tested by our mechanics before being validated as a 'Certified Pre-Owned Bike', which means it is then able to make magic moments possible for the next child.

Klosterneuburg, 14/04/2023