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OUT NOW: The woom GO bikes for kids aged 18 months to 8 years – discover it here!

upCYCLING Membership

upCYCLING Membership

As a member of the woom upCYCLING scheme, you're entitled to 30% back on the original purchase price of your current woom bike when purchasing a new woom bike and trading in the old one (excluding the woom UP). Find out everything you need to know below.

Please note that the name cannot be longer than 20 characters (including spaces).

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Delivery time: 4-7 working days incl. VAT plus shipping

upCYCLING – send your woom bike out for a second ride!

Kids grow quickly – sometimes faster than us parents can process! That's why we've created the upCYCLING scheme here at woom. It's a quick and easy way to make sure your child always has the right-sized bike as they grow up. 

It's great for a number of reasons: Firstly, you don't need to worry about how to deal with your child's old woom bike, because we'll take it back at no cost to you and recondition it ready for its next set of adventures.

What's more, you'll not only be saving time and money, but also helping us to keep our bikes in a circular economy for as long as possible. It's one way to reduce your carbon footprint and do our bit for the environment together!

Why buy upCYCLING Membership?
