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OUT NOW: The woom GO bikes for kids aged 18 months to 8 years – discover it here!


Child seats, trailers, and more – the perfect way to get young kids into cycling

By taking your little one out on cycling adventures, you can help inspire a lifelong love of cycling.

Felix Schifflhuber,
A young boy in a yellow woom helmet looks back at his mum from his seat on the front of her bike.

Keen cyclist Kelly-Jayne Collinge has taken her son Atlas out on her bike with her ever since he was a baby. Her mission is to empower other mums to do the same. (Photo: Richard Baybutt)

Inspiring the next generation

Children are curious by nature. They watch the people around them and copy what they see. In fact, it's this superpower that enables them to develop so rapidly in their first few months and years.

But it's not just their parents' actions that children mimic; they also pick up on their enthusiasm for different activities.

That's why Austrian cycling instructor Sylvia Bergmann believes popping your child in a bike seat or trailer is more than just a practical solution or environmentally friendly transport choice.

Perhaps more importantly, it's fun and has the power to spark a love of cycling in your child before they can even walk.


Check out our >>Interview with Sylvia Bergmann for some pro tips for helping your child learn to ride their bike.

It's a belief shared by British cyclist Kelly-Jayne Collinge, who works as a UK cycling community manager for the navigation app komoot.

Ever since her son Atlas was six months old, she has been taking him out cycling with her in a bike trailer. In doing so, she hopes she will pass on her love of cycling to him.

"Cycling is my way of switching off. By taking this time to escape the everyday and just be in the moment with my son, I hope he will learn to love cycling as much as I do."

Kelly-Jayne Collinge

Easing the transition from passenger to independent cyclist

Days out and shared adventures are a highlight of family life – for both you and your child. A cycle to a nearby lake for a picnic puts a smile on everyone's face and these experiences really help bring families together.

But don't forget, cycling can also be a fun addition to your everyday life.

A cargo bike, for instance, can turn a routine shopping trip into a real adventure. Your child will love the excitement as you speed down the road to the shops, the wind on your faces and fresh air whipping all around you.

"I usually take my son to playgroup on my bike, with him riding on a child seat in front of me. Last Monday, we saw cows and tractors and celebrated together when we made it to the top of one of the hills. The cycle adds something really special to our morning routine."

Kelly-Jayne Collinge

Whether you opt for a child seat, trailer, or cargo bike, cycling adds a whole new dimension to even the most routine journeys for your child.

Having experienced the excitement of riding with you, they'll hopefully be keen to try out a balance bike when the time is right. And from there, it's only a small step (or glide!) until they're ready to transition to their own pedal bike.

Finding the right helmet for your child

Riding alongside you on your bike can be the start of a lifelong love of cycling for your child.

But, no matter what their age, safety always comes first.

You must always make sure your child is securely strapped into your chosen trailer, cargo bike, or child seat. And your child must always wear a helmet to protect their head.

All helmets should meet the European safety standard EN 1078:2012/A1:2012 – just like our KIDS' Helmet.

It has been specially designed with children in mind and includes a number of innovative safety features.

Child seat, trailer, or cargo bike – finding the right option for you

If you're keen to take your child out with you on your bike, there are plenty of options to choose from.

The key is to find what works best for you and your child. Ask yourself:

Do you need something that's practical and quick and easy to use? Does your child like to feel really comfy? Do you and your child need plenty of storage space?

Your answers should help you work out whether a child seat, trailer, or cargo bike is the best fit for you.

"We started using a bike trailer when Atlas was just six months old. He's never really known life without the bike and has never been scared. We got him his first woom balance bike when he was 18 months old."

Kelly-Jayne Collinge

Child seat – the classic option

If your child can sit up by themselves, a bike seat is a really fun way to enjoy cycling together.

These seats come in two different types:

A front mounted seat allows your child to ride up front with you, so you can talk to them without having to turn around. The disadvantage is that they have nowhere to rest their head if they get tired.

Rear bike seats are generally more comfortable.

Your child can sit back comfortably against the seat back and even get a quick nap in during the ride. They are also less exposed to the weather conditions and passing insects than they are in a front mounted seat.


Note: Front mounted seats are not permitted in some countries, such as Austria, so it's worth double checking the legislation in force in the country where you're planning to ride.

Cargo bike – the spacious option

Depending on the model, you can transport up to four children in the cargo area of a cargo bike.

There are also lots of handy accessories available to make the ride even safer and more comfortable, including backrests, neck supports, heated cushions, bottle holders, and rain covers. 

Trailer – the chill-out option

Trailers can carry up to two children,

including babies. If your baby is not yet able to sit up by themselves, you'll need to get a separate baby seat or insert to support them.

Just like a cargo bike, a trailer has plenty of space for toys, snacks, and blankets, so your child can relax and enjoy the ride in comfort.

Looking for more adventure and insider tips?